
General research

These time I will share some of my research links about branding in general, current trends, study cases, insights & opinions etc. There is so much stuff going on and following them, I am able to be informed and updated to what is happening in the industry and about the latest trends! Some of the organisations even share their insight like a report about some of the industries they`re involved at, which is really helpful in collecting informations about "everything".



Major project
Research proposal

My major project research proposal is about branding. 
It derives from my previous experience related to that field and links with my 
future ambitions of broadening further my knowledge about it.
Research proposal relates to my previous work a lot because I have been involved in some event branding and visual identity projects before and I see it as an opportunity for the gaps of my knowledge from brand development process and its translation to print/online communications.

The evidence that I seek to collect during my research proposal is all about brand development in general, looking through the current trends and key people on the field. I will use data and text analysis or insights from them to add extra value to the project. My evidence will be used as a reference to create the foundation of my project assisting me to try and identify a situation where I can involve my self assisting into the gaps of brand development, event branding and its print/online communications.

One of the opportunities so far is to be involved in a small branding programme in my home town, for an event which tends to become annual, a cultural heritage festival which promotes the city including various activities starting from drama/comedy shows as a primary purpose, and promoting various cultural activities of art and entertainment.

Main activities of the event (festival) will be comedy shows from 7 countries 
every night, followed by cultural activities during the days like art & crafts exhibitions and after parties with music from variety of bands and dj`s.
The main focus is the engagement of the younger’s (age: 20-30) and the others 
(age:30-50) as a target audience.

The big challenge for me as a designer is to assist in brand development, and transfer it to the communication channels by creating a visual identity which manages to create a really exiting feel about the event as a startup festival without using images of past successes.
Another challenge with development of branding and event materials is how to show and split the information and line-ups in an effective way developing a graphical style which splits up the information’s and makes it easy to digest.

Project A - Final boards & project report

Circle of life
Storytelling event

Project report
The “Circle of life” project is my design solution 
to the RSA brief “Something for everyone”.
The idea is to create an activity similar to a game 
involving the young people and the elderly around 
a table where they can share their experiences 
from their past while telling stories which can 
be recorded and showing photos that if agreed 
can remain as an archive of the host organization 
and then used for certain purposes, 
eg. monographs, exhibitions and documentaries.
I came to this concept by doing research that helped 
me to better understand the problem and as a final 
result come up with this solution.  Storytelling 
event with different topics including achievements,
culture, relationships, etc would be a better 
opportunity for generations to come together,
e.g.. the youngster's to learn more from the elderly
like how it was before internet, telephones, etc 
and the elderly to learn more for the entertainment 
that the other's have, technology and convenience 
that it offers! This game would be very attractive 
and entertaining and the way that is designed is 
fun, exploring the mysteries and beautiful stories 
of real life in recent decades, with dialogue and 
discussions, explained from the elderly and 
others in an interactive way.
The idea could work if at least once a month such 
an event or activity would be held at different 
organizations that deals with age concerns. 
In this case the elderly wouldn't be faced with 
loneliness and the lack of socialization and 
would learn a lot of things that would be 
helpful in their life.