Showing posts with label RSA - Project A. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RSA - Project A. Show all posts


Project A - Final boards & project report

Circle of life
Storytelling event

Project report
The “Circle of life” project is my design solution 
to the RSA brief “Something for everyone”.
The idea is to create an activity similar to a game 
involving the young people and the elderly around 
a table where they can share their experiences 
from their past while telling stories which can 
be recorded and showing photos that if agreed 
can remain as an archive of the host organization 
and then used for certain purposes, 
eg. monographs, exhibitions and documentaries.
I came to this concept by doing research that helped 
me to better understand the problem and as a final 
result come up with this solution.  Storytelling 
event with different topics including achievements,
culture, relationships, etc would be a better 
opportunity for generations to come together,
e.g.. the youngster's to learn more from the elderly
like how it was before internet, telephones, etc 
and the elderly to learn more for the entertainment 
that the other's have, technology and convenience 
that it offers! This game would be very attractive 
and entertaining and the way that is designed is 
fun, exploring the mysteries and beautiful stories 
of real life in recent decades, with dialogue and 
discussions, explained from the elderly and 
others in an interactive way.
The idea could work if at least once a month such 
an event or activity would be held at different 
organizations that deals with age concerns. 
In this case the elderly wouldn't be faced with 
loneliness and the lack of socialization and 
would learn a lot of things that would be 
helpful in their life.


TASK 9 - Project A, Critical reflection

Project A
Circle of Life - Critical reflection

The Circle of life project is my design solution to the RSA brief “Something for everyone” and its aim was “to design a coherent solution that addresses the need for greater intergenerational links resulting in the fuller integration of older and younger people into the community” (RSA Projects, 2011, p.8). As part of my project I have used findings of primary and secondary research. The scenario of bringing generations closer especially the elderly that these days are facing loneliness, is very current all over the world. “Lonely older people are as different as any other individuals, and have different needs and expectations” (Cattan, 2011)
They miss a lot of things, one of them and most important is love, care of their siblings and relatives and of course their mutual communication. “Depression affects 22% of men and 28% of women aged 65 or over. This would be just over 2 million people aged 65+ in England”. (Age UK, 2011). As part of my primary research I have created 3 types of questionnaires with which I started to contact people of my focus groups from my family and neighborhood, researching locally and approaching different organizations. During the research I have passed through different prepositions, from intergenerational days to some workshops and drama ideas. I have also contacted and made interviews with people and organizations, approaching them for my project. Some of them were cooperative answering my questions or directing me to more competent people.I have created contacts with Mr. Ben Long, the person in charge for intergenerational relationships at Age Concern. He provided me with some really useful answers and explained me how he liked the idea and told me that it works because they already did something like that. They do it every year and it is called Acting up.

This was one of the important moments of my research stage which lead me to some new territories  combining their insights with my in depth secondary research, examining mostly online resources and redefining and simplifying my concept to an idea of an interactive storytelling game. During my visit to Science museum, I have found very inspiring some digital interactive round table games and throughout the discussions with my tutor I came up with an idea of interactive mechanic table game, which is more user friendly for the elderly and interesting for youngsters.Expanding my research at a further stage I have passed through some types of expandable tables, which was fundamental to my general idea of moving layered table. The idea is to create an activity similar to a game involving the young people and the elderly around a table where they can share their experiences from their past while telling stories which can be recorded and showing photos which if agreed can remain as an archive of the host organization and then used for certain purposes, egg. monographs, exhibitions and documentaries.

It will work if at least monthly such a event or activity would be held at different organizations that deals with age concerns, with different age people that have chance to meet each other from different generations, especially the elderly. “It's important to look not only at what older adults need, but also what they can give. Young and old can give to each other; it's a two-way relationship” (Bosak, 2001). After additional presentations of my concept for a roundtable game divided by topics and first feedback's, there were refining possibilities identified, for instance adding story-subtopics and re-organizing the timing of the game. To test my game I have made a simple small-scale model, played and discussed it with people of my focus groups, my family and friends. The idea was well received and playing with it was fun and entertaining. With new features like timing, subtopics and design development it became more interesting. Also, the idea of collecting their stories for a documentary has attracted attention.

After that channels to communicate with the audience were chosen and material was designed and redesigned again after consultations with my tutor that led me to the final solution. One of my first proposals was to include a partial view of the table-game with its mask in motion in the posters and other communication channels but after the review and feedback I realized that the mixture of different styles of design was very complex and confusing. I came up with a very simple solution and it was one of the strengths of the project as advised, and it was also used as a style of presenting the topics in the game. Pushing the idea forward and simplifying design elements of communication was one of the most important moments of the project. The shape of arrow designed with different typefaces of topics and subtopics at the table-game has given the project a modern and unique identity. Also, the “Circle of life” final logo solution relates to the typographic arrow style used in other elements, where the name and strap line form an arrow too. The arrow shape made of simple typography of storytelling topics is used in all the material from flyers to t-shirts.

Overall, I am satisfied with the outcome of the project .The process of design development throughout the time was well organized and with a lot of time for all stages. However I think that research phase took me to long but it was reasonable taking into account that here in UK is done a lot in this direction which positively surprised me in comparison to what is done in my country and In-depth research helped me to better understand the problem and as a final result come up with a stronger solution. If I had the chance to redo this project, I would like to have planned my time and manage it more reasonably making my research better structured, particularly on the conceptual stage of this project. Also, I wish I would have a chance to produce the real prototype and test how it actually works.

1. Fiell, C. and Fiell, P., (2003). Graphic design for the 21st Century UK: Taschen.
2. Mollerup, P., (1997). Marks of Excellence: The History and Taxonomy of Trademarks UK: Phaidon.
3. Mau, B., (2000). Lifestyle UK: Phaidon.
4. Noble, I. and Bestley, R., (2005). Visual Research: An Introduction to Research Methodologies in Graphic Design. Switzerland: Ava.
5. Roberts, L. and Thrift, J., (2005). The Designer and the Grid UK: RotoVision.

1. Acting up (2011). Everyone goes gaga for acting up. [online] Available from:   <>[Accessed: 03 November 2011].
2. Allen, J., (2008). Older people and wellbeing. London: Institute for Public Policy Research, Research report 01, [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 16  November 2011].
3. Age UK (2011). Mental health: Later life in the United Kingdom. [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 08 December 2011].
4. Bosak, S., (2001). The Legacy project: Grandparents day kit: Give and take, [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 06 November 2011].
5. Cattan, M., (2011). Safeguarding the Convoy: A call to action from the Campaign to End Loneliness. [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 15 November 2011].

6. Campaign to end loneliness (2011). Virtually friends. [online] Available from:. <>
[Accessed: 20 October 2011].
7. Campaign to end loneliness (2011). Sharing loneliness. [online] Available from: <>
[Accessed: 6 January 2012].
8. Communities and neighbourhoods (2009). Guidance on meaningful interaction: How encouraging positive relationships between people can help build community cohesion [online] Available from: <>[Accessed: 23 November 2011].
9. New horizonts (2011). Time for me. [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 30 October 2011].

10. RSA Projects (2011), Something for everyone: Use design to bring the generations together [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 12 October 2011].

11. RSA Projects (2011). Connected communities. [online] Available from: <> [Accessed: 18 November 2011].


RSA Project - Final logo

This is my final logo solution, approved for the RSA Project.
Circle of life final logo solution relates to the typography used in the other materials,
eg. shape of arrow designed with different typefaces at topics and subtopics of the table-game and gives the project a modern and unique identity.

Prototype test

Here I will show you photos of my prototype (small scale), and the pictures of it`s test.
The idea was well received and playing with  it was fun and entertaining.
With new features like topics & subtopics of stories and design development 
it will be more interesting.


RSA Project logo sketches

This are my first sketch & logo proposals for my RSA Project - Something for everyone, 
named "Circle of life", with its slogan "share your story".


Idea - Sketches

Some sketches and variations of an idea that can describe how can the table look like...

After this stage I have got some feedback and I am trying to improve my topics layer of mechanic table "game".

Concept - game details

- 2 hrs/event, game | Story telling table 
- 6 persons
- 20 min/per topic  (max.)  | 5 min. for speaker, 5 other persons 3 min (Timelight).
- Table game mask rotates clockwise every 20 min.
- Timelight | Red light in the center of the table, at the top of collecting box.
- Collecting box | place where speakers share their photos for organization records for       exhibitions, documentaries etc.

Project name - Strap line

- Cycle of life
- Uniting generations
- Circle of life
- Share stories - Circle of life
- Life cycle stories
- Filling the empty space
- Building bridges
- Show & Tell
- Tell stories and show photos
- Learn about your future from their past
- Share your life
- Show your story
- Tell your story

Project inspiration

Here I will post some photos and videos of my inspiration 
for Project A brief - Something for everyone.
During the research I have passed through different prepositions, from intergenerational days to some workshops and drama ideas. However while refining my research I came up with a idea of a story telling event or game that would be held at age concern organisations spaces with the aim of promoting their social activity, while sitting around a table and playing that interactive game of storytelling and sharing their photos and materials for purposes of different documentaries.

Here you can see some examples of expandable tables, which I have found very inspiring for my "table-game" .

Links & sample below:
Expandable table
Expanding table - another sample...

Also. I will show some other images from our last visits at museums, at Science museum which were very inspirational about my project, images of digital interaction games.

After consulting with my tutor I came to the conclusion of using a mechanic table rather than a digital one, which will be simple to use for the elderly generations while sharing their stories.

Research material & links

Here you can see some of my research links, part of my secondary research for intergenerational practice, connections, social activities etc.. 

End-loneliness campaign


TASK 5 - Project outline & working plan

The scenario of bringing generations closer especially the elderly which these days are facing loneliness, is very current all over the world.They miss a lot of things, one of them and most important is love & care of their son & daughters, grandchildren too and of course their mutual communication. Also I can mention that the younger’s lose a lot from their lack of contact with the elderly, because their continuous contact with people that have passed the barriers of their life helps them to mature and be prepared and understand life better from the lessons that they get from the elderly.
The idea is to create an event on which would include two or more generations while promoting their social activity, in this case of a “game” involving the young people and the elderly in a round table where they can talk and share their different experiences from their past while telling stories which are recorded and showing photos which remain as a archive of the organization that organizes this event and then are used for certain purposes, eg. monographs, photo albums, exhibitions or any documentary.
My opinion for the idea is very positive because the storytelling event with different topics including culture, personal life, technology, love, fashion, war etc would be a better opportunity that generations come more closer, eg. The younger’s to learn more for the elderly like how it was before without internet, telephones, tv etc… where the only form of communication were letters and the elderly would learn more for the entertainment that the younger’s have, technology and convenience that it offers that is taking over the world more and more, for instance internet is one of the most entertaining  and popular form of communication
This “game” would be very attractive and entertaining not only for the players that will learn new things but also the way that is designed is fun, exploring the mysteries and beautiful stories of real life in recent decades, with dialogue and discussions, explained from the elderly and the younger’s in an interactive way .
This combination of ideas, or storytelling affects the realitonship of the elderly and the younger’s very much, makes them learn more for each-other and this would serve that they understand more the relationship between them and that they decrease the distance between them along with the elderly loneliness in particular.The idea could work if at least once “a month” such a event or activity would be held at different organizations that deals with age concerns, with different people like everybody to have chance to meet new people from different generations especially the youngers. Above all in the end we will all get older and  come to the days where they are found today.
In this case the elderly wouldn’t  be faced with loneliness  and the lack of socialization and the others would understand them better and would learn a lot of things that would be helpful and inspiring in their future life and for example the idea of collecting their stories for  a documentary would attract attention.Because at the end It is good to help and show solidarity with others, if you want that later to be helped and that someone else take care and show love for you... after all; this is cycle of life.

TASK 3: Contacting organisations 2

Yesterday I found another organisation contact and finally managed to meet with him, following the direction of New Horizonts (another organisation).
I were at Age Concern, Kensigton & Chelsea and meet with Mr. Ben Long.
Even that he didnt have enough time, he promised that he will send me the 
answers via email. However I have described him what my reasearch is about and he liked the idea and told me that it works becouse they allready did something like that. 
He described me how hard is to manage the process becouse it is hard to find a place on a theatre for performance and it is very expensive to pay the professionals who will assist at workshops, for scenario.

They are doing it every year and it is called Acting up.
"Each year for three weeks during the summer, a group of school children from Holland Park School get together with members of Age Concern (Kensington and Chelsea) and spend three weeks together, writing and rehearsing with actors from Theatre ADAD to produce and star in their very own show."  

Source: Link

After that I have been looking from him for some new territories of my subject, and he promised me that he will write for them and answers to my email, which I am still waiting.


I received a response from another organisation named Openage that gives support  and offers collaboration for my project. 
Further below see copy of their response via email:

"Hi Yll,
Just to let you know that I’m very interested in your proposal for some intergenerational work. So busy today so will try and get back to you tomorrow and answer your questions. If you could let me know days and state morning/afternoon that you might be free to work together then it would be helpful as we work on our programmes now, to print end of Nov.
Many thanks and I’ll send you the question answers tomorrow.

Best wishes,
Jemma Bicknell
Westbourne Hub Co-Manager"...       Date 07.11.11

...and she was very supportive with her answers,...

"I think it’s a great idea, something that needs to happen more often given things like the London riots etc....We could find a venue and assist with and promote the group....We would need to get the space and time sorted before end of Nov as that’s when we print our new activity programmes for Jan..."  Date 08.11.11

I have replied to her via email explaining her at what stage my research is and hoping that they might give further support in that direction.



Contacting people - Interviews

As part of my primary research I have created 3 types of questionnaires with which I started to contact people of my focus groups and organisations - charities. To do that was not easy at all, because it was hard to find people who can collaborate with you while you are doing it on the streets. I have to mention that I was lucky if I got one from ten of them asked kindly to spare their time  for my research.
During the process I heard things like ...sorry, i have no time, ... don`t speak english, ...can`t speak at all, ... we have just a week here,  and all this leaded me to find places
where the elderly and the youngsters are seen often, like "Portobelo market" an antique market attractive place for people of different ages where usually I had chances to contact the elderly. Other people of my focus-group are youngsters which I tried to reach around schools or near the sport centers here at Kensington area.

Here you can see some of my interviewers that accepted to have a pic. for records as i promised them.There are diagrams formed after collecting quantitative and qualitative data that describe their opinions about some of the questions made to them about the project.
There are also some other questions at each group about their family & siblings, relationships with them, some opinions etc which I have saved for records.


TASK 3: Contacting organisations

I have tried to contact the organizations and charities which deal with Intergenerational relationships, the elderly and other generation people, sending them emails with questions about my project.
From some of them I still haven`t got any response, whilst some of them replied and either answered some of my questions or directed me to more competent people who can help or share experiences similar to my project.
I have started my project researching locally and tried to approach local and official authorities.

These are the questions directed to them, after explaining the project:

"The cycle of life, all generations sharing stories
I am working in a brief about researching the possibilities of
creating an event or programme that will bring together the
relationships between the young and elderly whilst promoting their social activity.
I would like to organise a workshop in which different (the elderly
and the youngsters) generation can communicate, talk,
tell stories and share experiences which would lead to making a
scenario towards a drama performance as a final product of their
social activity promotion.
The idea is to research the possibilities that they themselves create scenario and play it in a
drama as a final product of the project."

 1. What do you think about the idea?

 2. Would you be able to assist and what would that be?

 3. Would you be able to provide us with a space for workshop and later performance?

 4. What would be the best timing to organise this event so they don’t clash with your other activities?

 5. Would you be able to assist with printing of promotion material, or direct us to any charity organisation that   could assist?

6. How would you manage that kind of workshop?

 ...or if you could direct me to any charity organisation which could be helpful for the above intent?

I have started with a local library where they directed me to Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, their reply was:
"The idea sounds fine and you may find HistoryTalk a useful contact as they have organized intergenerational activities similar to this."

...they have given me some other links which I contacted via email. 

Westway (community projects)
New Horizonts ( a multi-activity centre for older people) replied to me and directed to another contact...

"...thank you for getting in touch, I would recommend you contact B. L. at Age Concern Kensington and Chelsea, he deals with intergenerational projects and has done similar projects and has connections with schools etc and is best placed to help with this.  I'm sure he would be happy to answer any questions you have. However if your only looking for a couple of sessions then we could provide a room during term break for a workshop or performance and we could publicise through usual channels, but we couldn't contribute towards payments for printing or other promotion."
They provided me with contact-email for Age Concern to whom I have written, sent them the questions from questionnaire and asked for advice for project; I am waiting for a response. 

I have to mention that during my interviews in the streets, I passed  Westway-citizen advice center  and started doing my interview with a woman at the reception and she firstly gave me very hopeful answers till the end when she signed her personal name regreting to put her company name instead (she did not accept to take picture for records as well) and her answers were like...
"I think that this is a very good idea, 
I would have been assisting younger`s as a mentor,
Hypothetically speaking (if it happens)  the organisation would be able to offer a space...all the evenings, 
One of her answers were that if it happens we can assist with printing of promotion material..."...nevertheless I am trying too contact them via email,


Social Isolation and Loneliness

Here are some interesting figures of the elderly loneliness & isolation ...

"Currently, in Greater London, 250,000 people over 65 do not see a friend, neighbour or family member, at least once a week and 150,000 have no contact with friends, family or neighbours at least once a month. Those figures rise to 3.1 million and 1.8 million, respectively, UK-wide.  Loneliness and social isolation can have severe social, financial, physical and mental repercussions, not only for the elderly themselves but also for the families and for the welfare systems that support them.  The elderly, and all those who help care for them, are thus looking for solutions that address the twin problems of loneliness and social isolation. "

Source "Participle", Get together project....


Statistics on loneliness and social isolation

Other research carried out over the last few decades has consistently shown that 10% of older people feel always or very lonely. Recent estimates place the number of people aged over 65 who are often or always lonely at over 1 million.
The percentage of the population who feel isolated and are therefore, at risk of loneliness is significantly larger:
  • 12% of older people feel trapped in their own home
  • 6% of older people leave their house once a week or less
  • Nearly 200,000 older people in the UK don’t get help to get out of their house or flat
  • 17% of older people are in contact with family, friends and neighbours less than once a week and 11% are in contact less than once a month
  • Over half (51%) of all people aged 75 and over live alone
  • 36% of people aged 65 and over in the UK feel out of touch with the pace of modern life and 9% say they feel cut off from society
  • Half of all older people (about 5 million) say the television is their main company

Source "Campaign to end loneliness"...


Project scope

Here below I will show my project scope and research concentration.
After this I will be trying to make contact with individuals or organisations
which I think that can offer support for my project.

Primary research - Storytelling comparison

Storytelling comparison and its benefits  in inter generational relationships.

RSA - Custumer experience method

Here below are the details of the further mapping of our group work diagram  for intergenerational relationship event.Below you can see our work.

After my teamwork diagram I moved further with my personal mapping of Costumer experience research method, trying to put my preposition in front of the process rather than in the back.


Task 2 - RSA (continued)

I have chosen to take one part of our mapping exercise to a further stage.
Firstly, after some research and speaking with family & friends (young & older) starting research locally as advised I thought to have some consultations with a sociologist  which fortunately is one of my best friends and after a while, I came up with some ideas about the Event or Program that promotes intergenerational social activity and meanwhile I`m working on a questionnaire that involves them to my research.
I started by creating diagrams or building scenarios of my chosen part of mapping about Events and thought about naming of the program as well:

Some of my options are:
a. Intergenerational relationships day
b. Young & Older generations day
c. Circle of life 
Part of that program (diagram of thinking) i think that should be:
Lectures, interaction, discussions, story-telling, social networking, watching movies, learning about new tech., building family tree, debates about culture, family albums, games etc

One of the event messages directed to young generations can be:
Learn about your future, from their past.
I am going to aim to see if I can get part of the different generations participating on the program while researching and asking especially the Elderly generation with my questionnaire about their relationships with younger and taking their opinions 
about an event which would unite them with younger`s and with its daily program 
would include life-experiences of both generations.