Showing posts with label Business for Design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business for Design. Show all posts



After several attempts, inspired by New Alphabet  a geometric typeface designed by Wim Crouwel, released in 1967, I came up with these solution.



Logo Design

During last months I have been continuously working on my company identity SUPERMINDS, part of Business for design tasks... Down here I will show you some of the solutions I have passed through.

This is another another experiment with different style.

After some feedbacks, another approach.


Company logo

I am working on my design company logo-project and you can see some 
of the solutions down here. What am I trying to do is to find a balance between a serious and funny style of the appearance of the "superminds", however there can be more 
solutions in the future...

Symbolic object - Book

Those who can read it best want it around and near.
You can`t judge it from its cover.
Creative and inspirational.
It can distract people from reality with words.
Easy to understand.
Other side of me.
Creative, inspirational and entertaining.
Full of knowledge.
Relax and entertainment.
With every chapter it can offer something new and exiting.
It`s content is a record of the past.
You can find drama, fun and educational parts on its pages.


I started from identifying some images that are relevant and represent the key words (which are presented at my company name post before and posted on the blog) of the company thinking  and collected them for presentation of the mood board exercise. 


Business for design - Company name

After a lot of carefully thinking, while considering the time I think that the best name on my recent list of names for my creative design agency and that represents what I want to be in the future is "superminds". I began working as you can see on identifying the keywords which represent my vision and identity for my company. I would like to combine the name with my initials in the future as a symbol if that is possible.


SIMPLE                    easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter;
FUTURE                   something that will exist or happen in time to come
PROFESSIONALS   a person who is expert at his or her work
EFFECTIVE              producing the intended or expected result
CREATIVE                having the quality or power of creating.
COMMUNICATIVE   to express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.
DESIGN                    to plan and make (something) artistic,skilfull and functional
DETERMINATION    the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.
PRODUCTIVE          having the power of producing; generating & creating
AMBITIOUS             having a strong desire  for success or achievement;

I think that the agency would be positioned around and close to the some of following agencies, listed below which are well known for their innovative work for design, strategies, naming, positioning, branding, advertising, signage etc



Naming a Creative Bussines

This is my list of ideas for names of my creative business 
and as it is well known that working for yourself is pretty hard, the naming could be changed in the future of course. I tried to link and connect my name or initials in some cases with my supposed future activity and other solutions present that activity it self obviously without my initials.There is one example out of the box, "Apostrofi" which is translated in my language from the "Apostrophe" word which was used from someone else.
It is very interesting how could it happen that "almost all" creative names 
are used or blocked for re-selling, so if somebody is planning to start a business  
and already has  his name I recommend  to register the names/domains 
as soon as possible.



The diagram below shows the process that we went through Design Journey on last friday.
I have made some modifications on this complex process and also tried to present
it on it`s simplest way.