
Prototype test

Here I will show you photos of my prototype (small scale), and the pictures of it`s test.
The idea was well received and playing with  it was fun and entertaining.
With new features like topics & subtopics of stories and design development 
it will be more interesting.


RSA Project logo sketches

This are my first sketch & logo proposals for my RSA Project - Something for everyone, 
named "Circle of life", with its slogan "share your story".


Idea - Sketches

Some sketches and variations of an idea that can describe how can the table look like...

After this stage I have got some feedback and I am trying to improve my topics layer of mechanic table "game".

Concept - game details

- 2 hrs/event, game | Story telling table 
- 6 persons
- 20 min/per topic  (max.)  | 5 min. for speaker, 5 other persons 3 min (Timelight).
- Table game mask rotates clockwise every 20 min.
- Timelight | Red light in the center of the table, at the top of collecting box.
- Collecting box | place where speakers share their photos for organization records for       exhibitions, documentaries etc.

Project name - Strap line

- Cycle of life
- Uniting generations
- Circle of life
- Share stories - Circle of life
- Life cycle stories
- Filling the empty space
- Building bridges
- Show & Tell
- Tell stories and show photos
- Learn about your future from their past
- Share your life
- Show your story
- Tell your story