
Idea - Sketches

Some sketches and variations of an idea that can describe how can the table look like...

After this stage I have got some feedback and I am trying to improve my topics layer of mechanic table "game".

Concept - game details

- 2 hrs/event, game | Story telling table 
- 6 persons
- 20 min/per topic  (max.)  | 5 min. for speaker, 5 other persons 3 min (Timelight).
- Table game mask rotates clockwise every 20 min.
- Timelight | Red light in the center of the table, at the top of collecting box.
- Collecting box | place where speakers share their photos for organization records for       exhibitions, documentaries etc.

Project name - Strap line

- Cycle of life
- Uniting generations
- Circle of life
- Share stories - Circle of life
- Life cycle stories
- Filling the empty space
- Building bridges
- Show & Tell
- Tell stories and show photos
- Learn about your future from their past
- Share your life
- Show your story
- Tell your story

Project inspiration

Here I will post some photos and videos of my inspiration 
for Project A brief - Something for everyone.
During the research I have passed through different prepositions, from intergenerational days to some workshops and drama ideas. However while refining my research I came up with a idea of a story telling event or game that would be held at age concern organisations spaces with the aim of promoting their social activity, while sitting around a table and playing that interactive game of storytelling and sharing their photos and materials for purposes of different documentaries.

Here you can see some examples of expandable tables, which I have found very inspiring for my "table-game" .

Links & sample below:
Expandable table
Expanding table - another sample...

Also. I will show some other images from our last visits at museums, at Science museum which were very inspirational about my project, images of digital interaction games.

After consulting with my tutor I came to the conclusion of using a mechanic table rather than a digital one, which will be simple to use for the elderly generations while sharing their stories.

Research material & links

Here you can see some of my research links, part of my secondary research for intergenerational practice, connections, social activities etc.. 

End-loneliness campaign