

During my research I`ve found these videos from Wally Olins about Nation branding 
very inspirational. His thoughts and insights about branding culture became very helpful 
for my way of thinking about branding in general.

A great insight about POWERFUL BRANDS,
how LEGACY NATIONS compete with each other with their stuff, 
fighting for influence in people`s mind,
BRAND vs NATION phenomenon (who leads who?),
the END OF POSTMODERNISM and its replacement by authenticity,
How AUTHENTICITY is replacing the new trends, etc

“Authenticity is great, if you can fake that you can fake everything” - Wally Olins

“If you sell the same products you must tell different story, with other approach and a lot of engaging attitude” – Wally Olins, insight from a case study of a Spanish travel agency

-Nation branding – all about perceptions
Video/Part 1

- You have to sell your background, your culture, history, food etc.
- What can you say about yourself, what makes you special?
- Why should somebody buy your product, why a tourist should visit you?

-TIP: Re-orientate yourself, use all your forces (culture, museums/exhibitions, olimpics) to transform your image from inside to outside…(Spain transition, from Franco`s dying at `75)

Some other videos:

Nation branding & Visual communication
Wally Olins: Brandmarker, Turkey

Further case studies/their views

Project plan & timeline

This is my major project plan & timeline.
The project is divided in stages by this time schedule.

General research

These time I will share some of my research links about branding in general, current trends, study cases, insights & opinions etc. There is so much stuff going on and following them, I am able to be informed and updated to what is happening in the industry and about the latest trends! Some of the organisations even share their insight like a report about some of the industries they`re involved at, which is really helpful in collecting informations about "everything".