
Social Isolation and Loneliness

Here are some interesting figures of the elderly loneliness & isolation ...

"Currently, in Greater London, 250,000 people over 65 do not see a friend, neighbour or family member, at least once a week and 150,000 have no contact with friends, family or neighbours at least once a month. Those figures rise to 3.1 million and 1.8 million, respectively, UK-wide.  Loneliness and social isolation can have severe social, financial, physical and mental repercussions, not only for the elderly themselves but also for the families and for the welfare systems that support them.  The elderly, and all those who help care for them, are thus looking for solutions that address the twin problems of loneliness and social isolation. "

Source "Participle", Get together project....


Statistics on loneliness and social isolation

Other research carried out over the last few decades has consistently shown that 10% of older people feel always or very lonely. Recent estimates place the number of people aged over 65 who are often or always lonely at over 1 million.
The percentage of the population who feel isolated and are therefore, at risk of loneliness is significantly larger:
  • 12% of older people feel trapped in their own home
  • 6% of older people leave their house once a week or less
  • Nearly 200,000 older people in the UK don’t get help to get out of their house or flat
  • 17% of older people are in contact with family, friends and neighbours less than once a week and 11% are in contact less than once a month
  • Over half (51%) of all people aged 75 and over live alone
  • 36% of people aged 65 and over in the UK feel out of touch with the pace of modern life and 9% say they feel cut off from society
  • Half of all older people (about 5 million) say the television is their main company

Source "Campaign to end loneliness"...


Business for design - Company name

After a lot of carefully thinking, while considering the time I think that the best name on my recent list of names for my creative design agency and that represents what I want to be in the future is "superminds". I began working as you can see on identifying the keywords which represent my vision and identity for my company. I would like to combine the name with my initials in the future as a symbol if that is possible.


SIMPLE                    easy to understand, deal with, use, etc.: a simple matter;
FUTURE                   something that will exist or happen in time to come
PROFESSIONALS   a person who is expert at his or her work
EFFECTIVE              producing the intended or expected result
CREATIVE                having the quality or power of creating.
COMMUNICATIVE   to express thoughts, feelings, or information easily or effectively.
DESIGN                    to plan and make (something) artistic,skilfull and functional
DETERMINATION    the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.
PRODUCTIVE          having the power of producing; generating & creating
AMBITIOUS             having a strong desire  for success or achievement;

I think that the agency would be positioned around and close to the some of following agencies, listed below which are well known for their innovative work for design, strategies, naming, positioning, branding, advertising, signage etc



Project scope

Here below I will show my project scope and research concentration.
After this I will be trying to make contact with individuals or organisations
which I think that can offer support for my project.